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May 21, 2010



So sweet to hear this progress report! Kai looks happier than ever and clearly is opening new windows of possibility in his life. Thank God for the love, care and wisdom bestowed on him by his mother and father. And thank you for giving us a chance to support your little miracle -- Kai!

Supra Shoes

It looks healthier than it really is. There are some big branches hanging over the house that are dead now, and I had two different tree companies come out to give me an estimate on pruning them out. Both said they would do that if I wanted, but both also pointed out the same weak spots that led them to believe that even some of the healthy looking foliage was actually very weak. This tree wasn't going to make it more than a casdfouple more years and even if they pruned it there was significant risk of it coming down entirely in a big storm.

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